Another year has passed now, and as I look back, it has been a good year; not a great one, but a good one.....every morning I woke up and my feet were above ground. I avoided serious health issues, dodged insolvency, spent time with family, friends, and loved ones, acquired some new guns, shot a few birds and deer, broke a few targets with the Tuesday Morning Loafers at Amarillo Gun Club, made new friends, and sadly; lost a few.
For those poor souls that I may have irritated with my conservative opinions and iron-assed attitude, no apologies will be forthcoming and don't expect any changes in 2015 either.
May the New Year be a healthy, happy, and prosperous one.
God Bless you all, God Bless America, and Gig 'Em Aggies in 2015!
(I'm just a Native Texan redneck that lives in the Panhandle with not enough guns.)