Originally Posted By: King Brown
Everyone lies one way or another. It's absurd for the educated in the 21st century to believe one ideology fits all, and pure fantasy to say that one is purer, more virtuous than the others as fundamentalists everywhere do.

I believe as Dave Weber that disrespect, filthy language, vituperation and denunciation should have no place in Misfires. They add nothing to conversations. We are blessed that only a few of a particular bent engage in it. The Spirit flourishes. Happy New Year to all.

Leave it to our pathological liar to come up with a New Years justification for his bold faced Lies and intentionally deceptive posts.

King, you disrespect all of us here with your many Lies. When you are caught red-handed writing something you "know not to be true", you simply pretend it never happened and pretend to ignore those who call you on it. You disrespect this board with your anti-2nd Amendment rhetoric and unwavering support of anti-gun U.S. politicians. You engage in vituperation and denunciation with your constant drumbeat accusing Conservatives in the Republican Party, and Conservatives here, of racism, misogyny, greed, and a host of other things that Leftist Liberals see as wrong. You hypocritically seem to think that just because you don't names names, that makes you morally superior to those who recognize you for what you are... a compulsive Liar. You use those Lies as justification to advance your agenda, because without the Lies, intentional deceptions, bloviation,and resume inflation, you are nothing but an empty suit.

You are a complete and utter fraud, and it was nice of you to finally tacitly admit it.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.