Originally Posted By: skratch

I'm an NRA member- and I am "fanatical" about my love for my Country and my hatred of the towelheads and Islam terrorists who wish to destroy it and it has stood for years untold-- I am also extremist in that I believe in a swift and sudden death to all who have been part of any terrorist attacks or even planned attacks against America- I also believe that no form of torture at Gitmo or anywhere else the CIA operates against the towel heads and camel humpers is severe enough- I also think our current boy POTUS dere Andy is even more of an out of his league and over his lead "leader" in times of extreme danger and threat than the idiot peanut farmer from GA ever was- or even the draft dodging skirt stain liftin' Slick Willie ever was-- Where or where is Chuck Heston when America and the threats to the 2bd Amendment by Bloomstein and Feinberger and Ruth Badder Ginsberg are working their evil schemes to do to us what Hitler did to the German civilians in 1934--so be it!! [/quote] Thank you!!

Well said ,,,, [/quote]

"The field is the touchstone of the man"..