Craig, I don't answer all posts nor do other members. Others have as much right to their opinions as I do. None is obligated to respond to each and every expression. It sometimes makes sense not to, leave it be. It's only another opinion.

I'm not responsible for true believers getting their knickers in a knot, fulminating nonsense about a separate virtuous people called conservatives who don't lie or abide deficits nor make mistakes. If I add a little holiday levity, they go nuts.

I care very much for Dave's facts and figures links. They help to measure my prejudices. All data is valuable in making informed decisions. I also apply that data to other sources without feeling a need to reply to his.

It's all entertaining. Misfires is probably the best peek going into the current American psyche. A little stir of the sediment provides an amazing amalgam of values, the most hideous of those who clearly don't love their country.