Originally Posted By: King Brown
....a superpower of surpassing generosity and intellectual vigour. Liberalism isn't shopworn anywhere.

It saddens when American members denigrate their country as ruled by rubes who don't think as they do....

....Misfires, of course, rants and raves for pure entertainment.

Surpassing. Well we know that libs stand at around 51% and the right are a bunch of shellfish. I'm in awe of the burden that the left shoulders.

Nuts and bolts time. 'Saddened' by leaders who don't 'think' as they(emphasis on divide) do. What the jagermeister, oops sorry. Let me point out that there is criticism of policy, tactics and results. The 'sadness' could better be attached to those who cover for the failure by saying they're educated thinkers, oh and have tons-o-feelings.

What a difference a day makes. Yesterday, misfires was a window in to America's soul. Today, it doesn't even make the back page.