Originally Posted By: King Brown
Demonization? Now proclaiming your casuistical claptrap of citizen responsibility as intent of the founding fathers! And trying to wiggle out of your fervent claim the US is governed by mob rule with no justice or freedom because of vote-buying by an over-night change to a country that champions freedom and liberty. Which is it? Your notions aren't demonic, Ken. They're unintelligent and old-fashioned.

Comrade King,

This response is so nonsensical and contradictory that I had wait to respond when I could stop laughing at it. I think you mean "Causal", as in "Causation" when you're referring to "Claptrap of citizen responsibility as intent of the founding fathers". This directly relates to individual freedom and equality, as in the direct sense, each is responsible for himself. This follows John Locke philosophy, that society functions best when all individuals are allowed to develop to the full extent of their abilities. This clearly is the antithesis of your statist, religious beliefs, where "everybody is responsible to everyone for everything", which is only possible when subjectively and sociopathically determined (and inflicted) by the ruling class of the State. It's really a thinly-disguised reiteration of "From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs". Of course, again, always determined by a sociopathic "ruling class". More statist, religious, sociopathic, claptrap and mumbo-jumbo.

When the Constitution is circumvented and simple majority rule is used, of course indoctrinated, sociopathic "victims" will vote for statists willing to take other's freedom away and reward it to them. Such is the purpose of of social programs that still allow participants to vote.

I appreciate your attempts at refutation, you're enjoyably relentless in the defense of your sociopathic religion. Either that or you suffer from extreme short-term memory loss and are unable to remember my previous posts. (Kidding).

I prefer wood to plastic, leather to nylon, waxed cotton to Gore-Tex, and split bamboo to graphite.