Originally Posted By: Nigel
I watched "The Shooting Party' just a few days ago, for the first time. Firstly, I winced as one Gun's loader draped two (supposedly expensive) guns over one arm, and walked off with the barrels clanking together. In real life that would have been grounds for instant dismissal. Secondly, when the Edward Fox character was asked about his guns, he replies that he 'had them made to measure', as though that were unusual. No monied gentleman of that time would have had anything other than bespoke guns, and his comment leapt out as completely superfluous.

And how about Lord Muckin'futch and his Yellow Lab "ISIS" talk about politically incorrect, albeit 90 years agone now-- Like having a Alsatian named "Hitler" in Israel!! Oy Vey, already.

"The field is the touchstone of the man"..