The visiting Hungarian aristo in "The Shooting Party" wonders why they don't continue with a shoot. "It was only a peasant!" The Lord's granddaughter explains that it was one of THEIR peasants . . . and thus ended a potential romance.

We can always find gun stuff to criticize in movies . . . except maybe in those made by John Milius, who is both a gun nut and seems to pay careful attention. I expect the "made to measure" comment from Fox might have been something the general audience (those who don't know guns) would have found interesting--most of them probably thinking you do that with a suit, but not with guns.

I liked Fox better as General Horrocks, XXX Corps commander, in "A Bridge Too Far"--when he explains to his tankers the plan to arrive "just in the nick of time" to save the beleaguered paratroopers at Arnhem. Missed their schedule by a bit.