Originally Posted By: L. Brown
The visiting Hungarian aristo in "The Shooting Party" wonders why they don't continue with a shoot. "It was only a peasant!" The Lord's granddaughter explains that it was one of THEIR peasants . . . and thus ended a potential romance.

We can always find gun stuff to criticize in movies . . . except maybe in those made by John Milius, who is both a gun nut and seems to pay careful attention. I expect the "made to measure" comment from Fox might have been something the general audience (those who don't know guns) would have found interesting--most of them probably thinking you do that with a suit, but not with guns.

I liked Fox better as General Horrocks, XXX Corps commander, in "A Bridge Too Far"--when he explains to his tankers the plan to arrive "just in the nick of time" to save the beleaguered paratroopers at Arnhem. Missed their schedule by a bit.
One of the two biggest mistakes Ike made as Supreme Commander- approving that friggin' Limey Montgomery's half-vast "Market- Airborne- Garden- Ground troops fiasco- no logistics, poor drop zones, lack of radio communications links between the Limeys, the Canadians, the Polish and both the American 82nd A/B and 101st A/B divisions involved-

The other mistake Ike made, IMO was relieving Patton after he slapped the little coward in a field hospital in Sicily- if Patton had been in full command of all armorer and related support forces after we kicked the Italians and Germans out of Italy, and had planned the Normandy invasion along with Omar Bradley- I believe he would have used a feint at Juno and Sword, passed up the better defended Omaha and Utah beaches, and done what Hitler had planned, with full air cover (which precludes weather delays) to knock out the Panzers- Pas De Calais was the best logistical choice, way closer to the French ports we needed to keep the supply lines going- And Patton and his Chief G-2 Officer, Colonel Koch- who had guessed the Winter 1944 offensive in the Ardennes that lead to the Battle of The Bulge, where we were again (Pearl Harbor w/o the salt water and Navy)caught fat dumb and happy- by the Krauts- would not have happened, and Germany would have possibly surrendered (after killing Hitler) long before May 1945--

"The field is the touchstone of the man"..