Originally Posted By: Doverham
Don' t buy either new unless you absolutely need a bespoke gun - Spanish guns have experienced a lot of price inflation recently for various reasons, and an equivalent used gun in 99% condition may cost 30-40% less.

In the UK both are regarded as (probably equally) good guns. You can certainly have an AyA customised to what you want, but as above there is MUCH better value to be had second hand. Here there is more choice of AyA guns.

What I did was bought a used (1970s, but little used) AyA No 1 that had the basic specification I wanted (double trigger, straight hand well figured stock, 28" barrels) and had it fitted for me by alteration to it's existing stock dimensions.

I ended up with a fairly high grade bespoke gun at a lower price than a current standard No 2 would be new.