This is priceless !

"Let me ask one simple question If a receiver is a weapon, why are they defined separately and uniquely in the GCA as firearms?

A receiver by itself cannot be readily converted to expel a projectile as the receiver by itself lacks the necessary parts. I would love to hand you a receiver and ask you to readily convert it into a weapon. Perhaps you would do that hand waiving Jedi-Mind trick thing you did to Congress when you were asked about why you raided my business!

A receiver is PART of a weapon. A receiver is NOT a weapon by itself, as it is clearly defined separately and uniquely in the GCA per your own admission.

Riddle me this one Batman If a receiver is a weapon then it must have an individual part of itself that is a receiver, which would be classified separately from it as a firearm So where exactly is it that I can buy this mysterious receiver, of a receiver, of a receiver, of a receiver that you refer to? "

Hillary For Prison 2018