Talking field guns, I do best with something in the 14 1/4-14 1/2 LOP range. Took one with a longer stock to the UK last month for driven birds. I'd shot it low gun at targets and it seemed to work OK. Did not work on driven birds, which don't arrive when you call "pull" and come from all sorts of different angles. After the first day, a bruise on my bicep confirmed I didn't have the gun mounted properly on several occasions--which helped explain why I missed more birds than usual.

Pushing 15" is definitely too long for me if I'm wearing much in the way of clothing.

Reminds me of a guy I guided on a pheasant hunt several years ago. The first day, he shot a brand new Spanish double, dimensions based on a fitting. He couldn't hit crap. The next day, he fell back on his tried and trusted old Parker and shot well. I remarked on that, then asked to see the two guns. The Spanish gun was over 1/2" longer and was also 1/2"+ higher at heel than the Parker. I told him that I didn't think he'd ever be able to shoot both guns well. Too much difference. Maybe he would've gotten used to the Spaniard; maybe not. But whether the Parker had the "right" dimensions for him, it was clear he'd adjusted to it.

Last edited by L. Brown; 01/19/15 07:28 PM.