A man of your claimed intelligence does not recognize or know who George Soros is? Give..me..a..break, King.
Being on the Mossad hit list also means you are brought in to stand trial for war crimes against the Jewish people. I don't see in my post where I advocated the killing of anyone. As far as a mountie, Texas Ranger, or federal law officer showing up at my door, that's the difference between Canada and here. Radical groups in the U.S. have regularly called for the killing of police and radical leftists have advocated the killing of conservatives..do you have an opinion on that? PETA members sent death threats to me for trapping feral cats, but none of those spineless psychos had law enforcement drop by to talk about it, even though I reported it.
Nice try on inferring Dave should get involved in this post; that's a typical liberal attempt to stifle any opinion contrary to yours.
I will give you credit for one thought...socialism has been widely practiced in many countries, but you conveniently (in the liberal style) left out the fact it has been an abject failure in every country that instilled it. Just ask any Russian, Cuban, Venezuelan, etc.
Answer this question: if America has so many faults, is so unjust, has so much inequality of wealth, is so racist and unfair, why are the liberal socialists(like you)so eager for everyone in the world to be granted free entry and citizenship to this socially backward country?
For the votes; so the dem/lib/socialists can stay elected and retain power. It's why Soros and socialists like him pour so much money into countries under the guise of "progressive". It is also why Soros is the main force behind the UN Small Arms Trade Treaty and has been since Bush the younger's first term in office. He finally managed to finance a president who would sign it, and made some 18 visits to the White House before the most transparent administration in history stopped releasing the WH log of visitors. If Soros is that adamant about the UN treaty, he has a plan for making money or achieving power or influence from it.
Slavery isn't dead; the socialists just try to sell it in a dressed up package called "progress".

Last edited by GaryW; 01/25/15 12:55 PM.