Originally Posted By: Brian
Originally Posted By: King Brown
Gary, I didn't have the slightest idea of whose face.

I have to throw the BS flag on that comment. For someone who is well educated, well read and involved in local , national and international politics and issues. to say you don't recognize George Soros is a tough one to swallow.

Uh, let's take it a step further than Bullshit Flag and call it what it is... another of King Brown's many lies.

We have discussed Soros and his extreme Leftist and anti-gun proclivities here many times in the last few years, since King has made Misfires one of his favorite haunts. William Buckley's image has been in print thousands of times since King became a journalist, and now he is claiming he thought the photo of Soros might be Buckley. What a liar and fraud!

Is it surprising to anyone that King Brown would once again jump to the defense of an avowed anti-2nd Amendment Socialist? King would never call for the intervention of DaveW or a moderator if some Libtard expressed a similar opinion about Sarah Palin.

Interestingly, King defends Soros' near destruction of the British economy by bringing up the misdeeds and manipulations of certain New York financiers. Does King ever mention how the ones that contributed to Obama's campaign, also including GE Financial and General Motors GMAC, benefited from taxpayer funded bailouts under the TARP Fund?

Here's an interesting article on where the Koch brothers really stand. Hint: they are more Libertarian than evil Republican, and see just about anyone as being better than Obama and the Liberal Left:


So once again, we have King supporting and defending the anti-gunner as he lies to us and claims to be pro-gun. We have King demonizing anyone who disagrees with his Leftist notions, going so far as to attempt to have GaryW punished or reprimanded for his opinions. He absolutely tried to put words in GaryW's mouth which he never said, and I don't know why Dave puts up with it. It is a disservice to all members. And we have King distorting the truth about the motivations of the Kock brothers.

Originally Posted By: King Brown

My "nice try" with our moderator is a responsibility of members concerned about the integrity of this website. It's worth mentioning that members did not recognize Jim's nearing hate speech regardless of its legal and constitutional limitations. To incite, to call for killing on sight of another American comes close if not arriving within the criminal code.

Quote "What do we want?--- Dead Cops!--- When do we want it?--- Now!"... Quote by chanting rioting looting black crowds, incited and funded by George Soros. In the months that it has been going on, not a peep from the lying hypocrite King Brown. If he was concerned one bit about the integrity of this website, he'd stop lying to us and stop supporting anti-2nd Amendment Leftist Democrats.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.