Originally Posted By: King Brown
....I'm not aware of any country disclosing "policy, tactics and results." Bartering goes back to antiquity, not a paradigm shift.

I had suspected it might be easy for you, not King, but the left to drift and justify, but the mechanics and paperwork of a swap can be done by a low level secretary. bo did disclose, but it's ok if you missed the tv time and press releases, that Dave was able to point out.

bo sent the message to the world and his citizens. bo decided to parade these parents in a photo op at the speed of light. You do know who rhodes is. He's orchestrating the info flow, not the DOD whose business it is. Hey, how about that document dump on congress about benghazi and memories of dysfunctional Tea Partiers beating dead horses.

A point of view could be, fine, good for the Israelis, I thought we were talking about US foreign policy. Hey, what is that policy, what tactics can we see even though some aren't disclosed, and what result did we achieve by the photo ops and press releases. Maybe most important of all, what results 'need' to be hidden from disclosure and why.