Originally Posted By: King Brown
I know, Joe. It's just that I've seen more than a few broken soldiers. Two are in my village, one a hunting buddy comforted by a great Chesapeake, both persons under medications. Neither deserted, quite the opposite as they soldiered on to breakdown, but the thought of hangin' them high without knowing all the circumstances disturbs me. If that's socialist/communist rhetoric, so be it. I owe them my respect for their service.

DaveK, is King trying to say we would hang deserters without a trial? Or maybe that's just how Canada does things. We all know that if King the Liar says it, it must be true... right?

Originally Posted By: King Brown
I think there was mention of Bergdahl's action giving aid and comfort to the enemy. Whatever aid he gave to the enemy, it couldn't compare with the fragging of officers by soldiers in Vietnam, fatalities (from my memory), at more than a thousand, approaching those killed in battle---disloyalty to country and aiding the enemy far beyond Bergdahl if he deserted, and most of the murderers got away with it.

Deserters deserve punishment. From my interest in LMF, and been scared to death in battles myself, I wonder about the circumstances of wilful desertion and mental breakdown.

The number of U.S. deaths in Viet Nam due to fragging varies from 45 to the over 1200 used by Libtards like King. Total U.S. deaths in that conflict from all causes was 38,196. If roughly 1 in 32 deaths in Viet Nam was really due to mutinous acts as Liars like King would have us believe, I really think it would have gotten more attention. It does appear that of the fragging incidents that were investigated, over 88% were done by soldiers who were substance abusers, and the rise of fragging coincided with the rise of drug abuse by soldiers. But figures lie and liars figure, right King?

What battles were you in King? We've never heard the stories of your war years.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.