Originally Posted By: SKB
"Of those hundreds, how many say, no way, I'd never do it again. Unless you seek out whiners and malingerers, I'll bet every one to a man says, however distasteful, I'd do it again for my country and my brothers."

WWII, sure you will get those kind of answers. Iraq? Much less likely. It is pretty hard to see how Iraq was a real threat to us here in the U.S.A. and it is also quite obvious that the Iraq war was a mistake and a total waste of resources and lives.You can try to re-frame it anyway you like but it always comes out the same.....We should never went in to Iraq and it will forever be a stain on the Bush(shrub that it) administration's legacy.

Backing up to this one a bit. 'Much less likely', maybe not, King says all of the hundreds with no distinction of what era. 'It is pretty hard to see', doesn't all that say is that it is there to see. In the end, all I get out of it is that you personally didn't like the policy, and you make fun of the person.

I think there's also a significant distinction between personal attacks, without facts, from an easy chair in the heartland, and the foot soldier bound by an oath doing their duty. We are 'talking' about the selflessness of that individual, and I don't think their sacrifice should be politicized because of feelings.

It gets back around to sooner or later your current favorite should take responsibility for his policy. If you're right about the waste, it should hold on this second time around, anyway 'you try to re-frame it'. As to waste of resources, your guy has more than borrowed and printed 'resources' to dwarf that war mistake. I bet it's not enough and you're not satisfied, but maybe a good start.