Originally Posted By: King Brown
With respect....my post had nothing to do with underprivileged kids....

....saw service overseas, both now on medication with PTSD, man and wife. Neither dreamed they'd be in action.

With respect King, your post easily has to do with class warfare. No, they did not have to enter the military, as you've mentioned before they could survive off the land and folks you know would look the other way if a deer was taken out of season.

How long were they in. Did either or both have the opportunity to claim pacifism, intentionally fail a drug test, scuffle with a superior all to get out once it became apparent that they'd see action.

No? I'll bet they made 'informed' decision. Heck, the wife could've gotten pregnant. That would've gotten at least her out of combat.

No, your message is clear. The poor do the dirty work and pay the price so that the rich can wiggle their kids out of the distasteful requirements of society. So the ptsd crew deals with their situation. I bet, if they have kids, those kids have much better prospects because their folks saw the sacrifice as worth it.

I hope the kids respond with gratitude and respect, rather than do the lock step, bash the military from their private school and nice suburban neighborhood.