We shouldn't make the mistake of thinking or believing that King Brown is really making excuses for Bergdahl or any other deserters. Regular Misfires readers recognize that this is about King making excuses for Obama's insane 5 for 1 swapping of murderous Islamiic Jihaddists for an intentionally AWOL soldier who endangered and contributed to the deaths of fellow soldiers.

If Bush or any Republican had done something even half as irresponsible, King Brown would be crowing about it with his last breath.Remember, this is the same King Brown who has been cheering wildly for Obama as he makes one foreign policy blunder after another.

King has no problem with Obama trying to restrict your gun rights... even as Iran races toward having the ultimate Weapon of Mass Destruction. Obama has more respect and trust in the Mullahs of Iran than he has for us. And King defends it.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.