Originally Posted By: Shotgunjones
I'm well prepared to go without a subsidy for my health insurance, but the fact is that those who have employer sponsored health insurance (like I did for 40 years) are subsidized too.

I am and will continue to be a one issue voter. I like to shoot.

Gee, I always thought that I exchanged my labor and time for wages and benefits. Of course, all labor costs are always passed on to the consumer. I don't think it's subsidized if I work for it. Those of us who still work for a living don't do it for free, nor should we be expected to. There are those Democrats who have repeatedly proposed taxing benefits as income, but we never hear them wanting to tax welfare and food stamps as income. However, Unemployment Compensation given to laid off and displaced workers is taxed as income... the only insurance payout which is taxed. Workers and productive people have taken it on the chin quite enough already.

They don't even drug test Welfare recipients (or Congressmen). I think there would be a lot less Democrat voters (and Congressmen) if they did.

I have been accused of being a single issue voter, but typically, when you look at a candidate's stance on infringing upon the 2nd Amendment, those Leftist Democrats are also the ones who wish to tax me more, create a more Socialist country, and impose more government regulations which violate many other Constitutional freedoms.

All are important to me, but I can't for the life of me understand how anyone who enjoys the freedom to own guns and shoot could ever vote for extreme anti-gun politicians like Obama or Hillary. Ever!

Agree with jOe on Scott Walker, but it's still very early in the game.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.