I'm not for freeloading either.

You may find it interesting that Michigan is going to start drug testing welfare recipients on a 'reasonable suspicion' basis. I doubt it will stand in court, but they've at least made the effort.

I think that access to affordable health care is a human right. I'm not advocating freeloading or free anything, but there is no justifiable reason that decent insurance should cost $1,000/month.

Your point that taxes are not voluntary is well taken and very valid. Taxation is a terrible power, and many times misused.

I well recall a session as a prospective juror, listening to a passionate lecture by the circuit court judge about our trial by jury system and how we don't administer our laws like many countries do - down the barrel of a gun. I resisted the urge, barely, to ask just what the hell he thought backed up a property tax if it wasn't a sheriff with a gun...

"The price of good shotgunnery is constant practice" - Fred Kimble