I'll leave it for others to google but from memory there were more than 50 Americans who stayed in North Korea, including near half by preference who didn't want to come home.

The US didn't leave deserters by choice. They would have had to fight a tenacious army backed by China to get them, and that wasn't in the cards "after that little fiasco." We were lucky to get out of there.

From my earlier post:

Wall Street Journal---"We don't qualify who we try to recover: He's an American soldier," said Rear Adm. John Kirby, the Pentagon press secretary. "It doesn't matter how he was taken captive. It doesn't matter under what circumstances he left. It doesn't matter what his persuasions were, political or otherwise. We have an obligation to recover all of those who are missing in action."

That obligation does not include invading a country after an armistice. Note Admiral Kirby's word "try."