That may be true. I have not shopped for any ObamaCare plans because I still have coverage through my employer.

The figures I used came from the U.S. News and World Report special issue on Best Hospital Rankings which I was reading this morning when I went to the doctor for my annual physical.

Another intangible will be the level of care you will receive with ObamaCare coverage. I recently told the story about a Doctor friend who, along with many of his colleagues, will be refusing ObamaCare patients because of the ridiculously low reimbursements he would get for patient care. He told me that to do a Hospice visit, he would leave his office and drive perhaps 30 minutes, spend at least 30 minutes with the patient examining and prescribing medications, drive another 30 minutes back to his office, and get paid less than $8.00. He said that the average reimbursement wouldn't even cover his gas for this type of patient care, and that after taxes, he would be making less than a McDonalds french fry cook.

It's still very early in this game, but so far ObamaCare doesn't look so hot. I'd like to agree that everyone should have a right to affordable health care, but I have not seen anyone show how we can possibly do that when we already have a $17 trillion National Debt and $100 trillion in unfunded liabilities. Spending money we don't have cannot possibly have a happy ending. When the whole economy collapses, everyone will suffer, not just the relative handful who go bankrupt due to lack of medical coverage.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.