I can't disagree. There must be a better way.

As for coverage/service...

I used the insurance once last year, for a simple outpatient thing.

The total tab as billed was about $850, which used up my $250 deductible (Gold BCBS plan). The plan paid the rest less my 20% co-insurance. I specifically bought that plan because I knew this minor procedure was pending.

The EOB statements looked just like any other insurance, and the providers got paid their billed amount less a 'discount' all insurers take. The amount paid was about 90% of that billed.

I don't have an 'O'bamacare' card. It's a Blue Cross card like any other, and the plan is very similar to any employer sponsored contract. There is no reason for any provider to refuse it.

I've been through a whole host of employer sponsored plans, from Cigna which wasn't too bad once I talked the company into the 'passive PPO' because there were no providers in my area otherwise, to one called Great West Healthcare which as far as I'm concerned is just outright fraud. Great West's scam is that they are a form of self insurance for a company, and their goal is to manage the employer cost (read here, screw the employee).

Between my bride's Medicare, the PDP and Medigap for her and my BC PPO, we paid last year (including the medical insurance part of a policy on one automobile) in excess of $8,000. I'm freeloading I guess.

"The price of good shotgunnery is constant practice" - Fred Kimble