Originally Posted By: craigd
Originally Posted By: King Brown
And---Ken, you couldn't have forgotten Christianity is a religion of peace, eh? Please don't slip into that....trap....

Interesting eh. When bo brought up how terrible Christians were during the 'prayer' breakfast. He failed to point that the crusades were sanctioned war against muslim aggression.

Good news, he's going to negotiate his way out of 'his' mess. Don't you find it amazing that he mentioned, in the sotu, that yeman was a success story and iran was a 'partner'. Then a few weeks later, a US tolerant government gets overthrown by iranian backed radicals. Maybe bo did back channel that deal because he certainly didn't explain it that way to the people.

Best state dept line ever to the rebels, we're concerned that the vehicles that we left at the airport while high tailing it out of town were taken, please return them.

Krauthammer had another great read,

"Once you've discounted your own moral authority, once you've undermined your own country's moral self-confidence, you cannot lead.

If, during the very week Islamic supremacists achieve "peak barbarism" with the immolation of a helpless prisoner, you cannot take them on without apologizing for sins committed a thousand years ago, you have prepared the ground for strategic paralysis.

All that's left is to call it strategic patience


"This passivity - strategic, syntactical, ideological - is more than just a reaction to the perceived overreach of the Bush years. Or a fear of failure. Or bowing to the domestic left. It is, above all, rooted in Obama's deep belief that we - America, Christians, the West - lack the moral authority to engage, to project, i.e., to lead.

Before we condemn the atrocities of others, intoned Obama at the National Prayer Breakfast, we shouldn't "get on our high horse." We should acknowledge having authored the Crusades, the Inquisition, slavery, etc. "in the name of Christ."

In a rare rhetorical feat, Obama managed to combine the banal and the repulsive. After all, is it really a revelation that all religions have transgressed, that man is fallen? To the adolescent Columbia undergrad, that's a profundity. To a roomful of faith leaders, that's an insult to one's intelligence.

And in deeply bad taste. A coalition POW is burned alive and the reaction of the alliance leader barely 48 hours later is essentially: "Hey, but what about Joan of Arc?"

Hillary For Prison 2018