Originally Posted By: King Brown
And---Ken, you couldn't have forgotten Christianity is a religion of peace, eh? Please don't slip into that statist, religious, pathological etc trap, too.

You're the only one outside captivity who hasn't been trapped, skinned and sold into consumerism. One more of opposite gender gives hope for a New World.

Comrade Sralin,

I've missed your point. It's pretty hard to find a religion that violence hasn't been committed in the name of. Christianity is no exception, although you've got to go back a little in history to find violence being advocated in the name of Christianity as a part of doctrine. Religious doctrine is created and administered by clerics as a means of societal control, indoctrinating the resultant subjective, faith-based morality to rationalize the manipulation of the "Masses". The question is whether it is sociopathically inflictive or not.

I find it interesting that you feel the need to insert the Marxist-Leninist demonization term of "Consumerism" into this, as an attempt to blame Capitalism, which makes no sense, and is a typical anti-intellectual, doctrinal, statist religious response. How's the new truck?

I prefer wood to plastic, leather to nylon, waxed cotton to Gore-Tex, and split bamboo to graphite.