We're all in bed with politicians to the extent we're corrupted by going along with their nonsense. As for giving a hoot about journalists criticizing politicians, it's what Canadians expect of media, with strong doses of satire to add no-holds-barred spice and ridicule. Panels of distinguished journalists criticize leaders and their policies every day on national television, public and private.

That's their job, Craig. That's what they're paid to do. Sun Television network---Fox North in content---shut down this week after four years because there weren't enough pissed-off conservative, white, viewers raging about race, immigration, hate for legislators in Canada to bother switching it on. It's a different culture from the United States, Craig. The pity is your loss this week of Jon Stewart.

Come on up some time. I'll show you around where freedom of the the press and responsible government was won for the British North American colonies, right here in Nova Scotia.

Last edited by King Brown; 02/15/15 10:45 PM.