Originally Posted By: Adam Stinson
they are good values, yes.... but just because they have more hand labor in them, doesn't mean they are higher quality. Sorry but they dont come close to an AYA #2

I suspected this would stir up Adam and Greg, as they are the quintessential of the “buy the name, not the gun” buyers. They find my views, well, let’s just say “exciting.”

“Quality”, in my usage, is a shorthand term used to describe the relative amounts of skilled hand labor that went into the production of two or more guns. If I remark that gun A is a higher quality gun that gun B, I’m opining that gun A was more expensive to produce than gun B, and would have sold at a higher price point due to production costs.

I’m using the word quality as a term to describe the single largest quantifiable factor that determines the relative costs to produce two or more guns, and the relative price points of the guns as determined by cost of production.

The LI and APM are higher quality guns than the AyA No.2, as the AyA no. 2 is produced today. The AyA No. 1, OTOH, beats both the LI and APM hands down.