Vintage British shotguns are just as durable as any other gun made in the past as well as the present. I have several Brit guns that are well over 100 years old and they are still going strong. Both SL and BL. In fact they even look much younger than there age. This is due IMO of the preventive maintenance that the original and subsequent owners gave these guns. Also, the makers of these guns built these guns to last. Not just for the original owners but for generations. In this they succeeded in splendid fashion. Of course, there are some guns out there that are not taken care of, and these are the ones that fail, just like anything mechanical, parts do break. Re-read Col Browns post, he knows what he's talking about. Buzz also makes some great comments, all true.

If you don't take care of your guns, your the fool, NOT the maker. Instead of pointing fingers at a maker or country of origin, point them at the user.

As a side note on how the Spanish take care of their weapons, the German liaison staff to the Blue Division that fought with the Germans in Russia, were appalled on how the Spanish troops took care of their equipment. Not cleaning individual or crew served weapons was common place.

I would like to hear what our friends across the pond have to say on this subject.

Gregory J. Westberg