Originally Posted By: Adam Stinson
Originally Posted By: Kyrie
Originally Posted By: Adam Stinson

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The English shooter (Kings Brothers and ASI in particular) really fine tuned the Spanish market to what it is today. They had them build guns the Brits would buy. So to say that Spanish are not copying the English is just insane!
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You have somehow inflated the King's dealing with AyA alone to be the entire "Spanish market". That's beyond silly.

AYA set a trend that ALL Spanish makers follow to this day. Your unwillingness to accept the blatant fact that the Spanish copied the English is almost comical!!!!!

Yep. That's what one can read in some of the gun rags, mostly quoting the King's and AyA's advertising. You're obviously easily led, and I wish you luck. You're going to spend a lot of money on guns that aren't what you think they are.