James & Wolfgang, the links you both mention is not enough. The most interesting period is from 1900 till 1950 this covers a half century and is by far the most interesting periode.James, what you find on the gounetusa side is for 95 % posted by Robert chambers.
Our pride the gunmakers school Léon Mignon even have not 1 book about our Liége artisans. The Liége arms museum not show the a work of the 20 best artisans what we had. The curator who comes from a gunmaking family not even answer your questions. I give you an example: I had the intention to write an article on Nicolas Jacquet who was a lockmaker living in a little town (Cheratte) nearby Liége and was the lockmaker for most of the Liége artisans, when I asked the curator of the Liége arms museum if he have more info to write my article I even not receive an answer. For me it is clear, it is a shame that nobody is interesting to write about this for a future generation, soon this is gone for ever.