Originally Posted By: gunut
....Good luck with that....our pension is funded by the company and a percentage of the employees individual earnings.....and is fully funded because the union saw to it that it was...was spelled out in the contract how much each would put into the fund..with changes built in for funding during a good or poor market... .....nothing is perfect but this is working and lets us older workers retire with a livable income to make room to hire young employees....

....I just think that anyone working a 40hr a week job should make a livable wage with health insurance....

WI is near and dear to my heart, but you were one of the lucky ones if your union actually planned and actually saved for your pension. Unfortunately, I know what "make room to hire young employees" means. They will foot the bill.

So many of your state's ponzi schemes have folded. It's not a comment about you gunut, but I just wonder if folks will really pay the cost of a drive through coffee or a newspaper for that kid behind the counter to have a 'living' wage. Or, if there's always exception, but it feels good to say the line.

All the best, here's hoping you can get after a few walleyes and big perch.