Originally Posted By: gunut
doesn't matter....a binding promise from the government is a binding promise ..if the government signed a contract with its workers it is bound to follow through no matter how stupid you think it is....

The topic shifted a bit. In any case, are the WI unions bound to follow through no matter? I think it would also make sense, that if a gov can change the rules when it comes to taxing, regs, services, etc., then I'm not so sure they feel bound to past contracts. Chances are your big unions have walked out on workers after negotiating contracts with companies that were set up to close down and shift accounts to other companies.

Your career and retirement situation is none of my business, I'm just commenting on how things just aren't working out as great as folks figure they should be, but a bunch of folks just keep going back to the same old, same old for more. Many folks are still beating down the door to get into Johnson Wax.