I'm going to say I agree with much of your post but I will disagree with your statement regarding unions. The unions here ran wages and benefits up so high that jobs began to migrate overseas back in the 70s. Please go back and read some of my earlier posts on this thread where I covered this subject in more detail.
Had wages and salaries here stayed competitive with what was being paid elsewhere these jobs would never have been lost.
The last I knew, and this was years ago, it cost over $700 more to produce a car here then elsewhere and this was primarily due to the difference in labor costs.
No one in manufacturing could pay that kind of overhead differential in the long run and survive.
The Libtards on this forum I'm sure are denying any of this as they really don't have much use for factual information to begin with.
The primary reason we can still manufacture cars here at all is due to factory automation which also eliminated a lot of construction jobs in the automotive industry.

Last edited by James M; 06/01/15 11:57 PM.

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