Originally Posted By: King Brown
Corporate welfare is a vital part of our economic system, Craig. It's the backstop for when capitalism, free enterprise or whatever you want to call it is out of play. It protects workers and communities from impoverishment....

....The real question is: Are we democrats?

I don't quite think so. No doubt, it's tough tough to compete in this 'global economy'. I believe ceo's are paid what they are worth to excel in the conditions they are presented with. Another, somewhat bigger, micro example, the auto manufacturing industry in America.

All of the globalization and shipping concerns most certainly forced US jobs offshore, and it shows. Then again, as detroit withered away, there was an explosion of foreign auto makers building plants and cars in the US, just not in the 'motor city'. Maybe it's the weather that makes that community 'feel' unprotected and impoverished?

I think your real question is an unfortunate diversion. I wasn't wondering how vital it was, just how important mantra is over the reality of what our senses tell us.