"King, by "anything goes boys" do you mean Bill Clinton and Co. and their insane policy of making the banking industry give mortgages to people who could not afford to repay them?"

And doing just that(which resulted in no doc. no money down mortgages) was a plank in the commiecrat platform both times Clinton ran for President. Of course since this whole scheme fell apart during the last years of the Bush Administration even after Bush warned Congress this would happen - Guess who got the blame for it from the commiecrats?
Oh and Keith: Don't expect a straight answer from the commiecrat trolls on this forum to what you posed in your above quote. Their avoidance of anything factual would be humorous if the consequences to us responsible citizens who pay taxes and have to support this bizarre behavior weren't so dire.

Last edited by James M; 06/02/15 02:50 PM.

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