Ah, once again the subjective term "Corporate Welfare" turns up. Real "Corporate Welfare" is the awarding of other people's freedom in the forms of grants or subsidies to companies. Take Green Energy for example.

It is not Tax Credits or Tax Breaks. The Democrat sociopaths equate them together. One is a sociopathic infliction forcing an involuntary exchange of goods and services upon taxpayers, the other is limited relief granted on a political basis to connected companies.

In order to consider it the latter, you have to be a true statist sociopath and consider that the government owns all wealth and money in America, which is of course the Totalitarian view. All non-profits fall into this category, it enables politicians to buy their votes. With only sociopathic, statist, faith-based morality as the rationale. It's unconstitutional under several clauses of the Constitution.

Last edited by Ken61; 06/03/15 10:58 AM.

I prefer wood to plastic, leather to nylon, waxed cotton to Gore-Tex, and split bamboo to graphite.