Originally Posted By: GLS

The boards Holocaust Deniers White Supremacy stance on race shouldnt shock anyone. Why its tolerated and ignored by the boards more strident participants is appalling. It's as if folks are walking on eggs dealing with him. Of course any view to the contrary is liberal. Fact is, hes probably proud of his views.
His views aren't "out of the closet". They're straight from the outhouse. Good for you, good for your son. You have every reason to be proud. Gil


I'll reiterate a point I've made before, I don't consider him a Racist. If anything, he's using the lexicon of our current time, as racism is actively taught in Public Schools, and is enforced within the very legal system of our government. It is constantly, and sociopathically, promoted by the Democrats. This is intentional, and is designed to be a way of creating and sustaining political support for the sociopathic, religious statists of the Cult of the Democrat Party. The issue is clearly subcultural, (same in Appalachia) but is always framed within a racial context in order to enable statist, religious demonization. It is the doctrine of the "soft bigotry of low expectations" designed to rationalize the extortion and vote-buying of the Soviet-inspired Democrat Party.

Don't take offense here, but, I'm going to use you to make a point.

Thanks, but your last sentence is an example of the same thing, although you don't realize that, to me, it was bigoted. "Good for you, good for your son." It is also patronizing, as if I would expect anything less from my son. This is the problem of our society, people who do not realize they're been indoctrinated to clearly believe in something other than the very essence of the promise of America, which is individual freedom and equality guaranteed by our Constitution.

Last edited by Ken61; 06/10/15 03:37 PM.

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