Mike, not only are there many blacks who are more intelligent than you or I, there are many of those more intelligent blacks who were raised in single parent households with drug abusing mothers and little nurturing. Look at Dr. Ben Carson's childhood as an example. Considering his achievements and despite his disadvantages, I'll bet he didn't need affirmative action to get into Med School with a 2.5 GPA. while white classmates needed a 3.85 or better GPA and a daddy who donated thousands to the school. The reason is that raw intelligence, problem solving, mechanical or verbal aptitudes, etc. is mainly an inherited genetic trait. But it was invaluable to have a mother who didn't subscribe to being a victim on the Democrat Plantation. Early nurturing and development of a child certainly helps to maximize what is innately there, and that is why a person of average intelligence may outperform or become more successful than a Mensa Society member. But the Mensa will still have a higher measurable I.Q., and it won't matter what color he is. Nurture may help to boost the score a few points, but nature is the greatest contributor.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.