Throwing money to people won't solve anything.

I'm not biased about anything. The answer I gave makes more sense than thinking that reading and nurturing or having a father figure in the house will solve anything with people that are genetically screwed up.

I suspect in my job I worked with and was around blacks as much or more than anyone on this website. Some of the best friends I've had in life were black.

But that didn't change the fact that I never knew a black person that wasn't a racist....they all want to play like they're not racist but when called out on anything they all revert claiming race had something to do with me crawling their azz when they couldn't or wouldn't do their job.

I walked up on three blacks at work having the racist talk...I asked them to give me an example of how someone had treated them in a racist kind of way. The examples they offered were comical to say the least.

In leaving I told them "You all 3 should get down on your hands and knees and worship the white man if not for us you'd still be living in grass huts and eating grub worms".

So I ask you liberals (Canadian liberals included)....who owes who ?