
It is a conservative tenet that each citizen is responsible for his behavior, his job, and pulling his weight in society. So, if those three Blacks argued that you owed them money because their great grandparents were slaves they were wrong. And if you argue that they owe you money because your great great great grandfather brought their great great great grandfather here you are wrong. The sins of the father are not levied against the son. The wrong done to the great great great grandparents do not create a debt to those Blacks.

Now, I have noticed you have been slipping to the left. Your views on abortion are very liberal. So are you arguing that we do owe Blacks reparations? Lots of your fellow liberals are making that argument you know. I mean, since you told those three Blacks that they owe you have you changed your view and now believe Whites owe Blacks reparations?

Last edited by AmarilloMike; 06/12/15 05:23 PM.

I am glad to be here.