Mike, you are limiting me! laugh

I agree with your points 2 (atheist), 3 (I like humour and find it in unexpected places) and 4 ( causes of real world intelligence gaps between blacks and whites).

However, I just have to disagree with that Tennessee Liberal jOe. I am opposed to abortion in most circumstances as it's used as a form of birth control.

Logic fails feminists and liberals like jOe on the subject of birth control. If a woman inherently should have control over her body, the same should hold true for the human being who happens to be inside her. And, seeing as that tiny human has no voice, we need to advocate on his/her behalf.

Last edited by canvasback; 06/13/15 01:19 PM.

The world cries out for such: he is needed & needed badly- the man who can carry a message to Garcia