The front end of the squirrel is bony. The hind quarters of grey and fox squirrels are a meal fit for a king. I usually hunted them with a Remington 552, using .22 shorts, which would save a half hour of rock throwing if you had put a .22 long rifle round through one resting on a branch in the tree, and he died in place. I usually had a least a few that I put the shot into the front, and ended up with some trimmings for the gravy, off the front, and little else. I would pass a shot rather than put the bullet into the hindquarters. Head shots happened here and there, but, the shot into the front end just behind the front legs was most common for me.
I was never big on frying anything except fish, but, prepared as I posted, in a Brunswick stew, wild squirrel is better than good.
I might end up divorced if my Colombian born wife saw me heading up the walk with a fistful of squirrels, so it has been a long time for me.
I will work on fixing that-maybe she can visit her homeland around the time small game season opens, here.
