Squirrel was always my favorite Fur game to eat. Best piece to me was the back, hindlegs next & front leg last, didn't care for the rib cage. I could tell when I skinned them which way they would cook. Young tender ones went to the Fry Pan, older tougher ones had to made into a stew or Squirrel & Dumplings. A young frying squirrel is Royal Eating as far as I'm concerned.
Hunted them for many years with a Mossberg bolt action I took in on a trade. Couldn't get anything for it so got my money's worth shooting squirrels. It would feed either LR or Shorts. It was a tack driver with LR but "Patterned" rather than grouped with shorts. I shot the standard velocity LR's in it for squirrel hunting to avoid the Super-Sonic crack of the High speed stuff. Easiest way to clear a tree of squirrels I ever found was to fire one of those high speed rounds with the sharp crack.
I have eaten quite a few ground hogs & a couple of coons. My personal preference was for the Coon. I don't think we have "WoodChucks" in the South, least I never heard no animal called that. I would take some good Gator Tail over any of the above though, but don't get any of it except by traveling a Fur Piece to a good Cajun Restaurant. CrawDads are also mighty fine eating, I Like them made into that Etoufee. I like just about any meat I ever tried except Liver of any kind, I'll take a good bait of Chitlins over liver anyday.

I Didn't Say Everything I Said, Yogi Berra