Originally Posted By: GLS
Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe
Gil that's just the type of response one would expect from a liberal lawyer....
One that would rather attack his own race than face the facts about another.
You'd make a great race baiting lawyer for the NAACP.

The recent murderous events in Charleston at a Church bible study raise a few questions. The killer was alleged to have made comments about why he was killing. “You rape our women and you’re taking over our country. And you have to go.” according to one survivor. It sounds like what most folks would agree is a “hate” crime. If it is indeed a “hate” crime, was this “hate” “natured”or “nurtured”? Did he sit around the supper table with a parent who constantly blamed blacks for the trouble in America, saying that they were genetically inferior to whites, should be sent back to Africa, should get down on their knees and thank whites for bringing them to America (in slave ships), that Africans never made a watercraft bigger than a canoe or dugout, lived in nothing but mud huts, etc. (Anyone else still shaking their head about "some of my best friends were black" comment?) Did the killer constantly cruise white supremacy websites, finding articles like the one in jOe’s first post? Did the killer have a male uncle or other male role model feeding him hate? I suppose someone out there will blame the “Soviet influenced Democrats” for what happened, despite the fact that lynch mobs in the South were documented before the Bolshevik Revolution when more than a handful of blacks were hoisted by the neck with a rope over a limb by white vigilantes for “defiling” white women. jOe, while we are on the subject, were your attitudes about white supremacy, Blacks and Jews “natured or nurtured”, honed on the internet, or learned at torchlight rallies? And really, jOe, is my pointing out that there are poverty and illiteracy in white Appalachia an attack on my own race? I never said that all whites were illiterate; it would be unfair to judge all whites (or anyone, for that matter) with you as the standard of literacy. jOe, the offer still stands on testing your DNA on my dime. jOe, there’s a big difference between Southern Pride and the David Dukisms you spout.
And Jim, since you are intensely monitoring your thread about Hillary’s 6 year-old speech you must have missed what jOe has said in the last 6 days and 6 weeks. If any public figure said what your cabal’s Loose & Obtuse Cannon has said about Jews and Blacks, they would be run out of town on a rail shouldered by politicos of the left and right. Did you miss what he has been saying about genetics, etc.? Or do you endorse it by your silence, believing what he says, but relying on him to say it for you? Is he The Cabal’s spokesperson? And by the way, he posted the same photos, more or less, that you acknowledged were probably racist but posted anyway. Gil

You must plan on using this in your resume you send to the NAACP....if you believe all the nonsense that you typed you are one screwed up individual.

As far as what I believe....I believe that all men are created equal until they prove otherwise.