GSY - unmounted swing effort tells you how much effort is required to make the gun point in a different direction (swing) while held between the hands. Mounted swing effort is th the effort required to make the gun point in a different direction when it is mounted to your shoulder. Half weight radius is a measure of compactness. The average for game guns in my database is 6 1/2# weight, 4 1/2" balance, 1.45 unmounted swing, 6.38 mounted, and 10.17 HWR. The Churchill above is 1# 5 1/2 oz lighter, balances 7/8" closer to the trigger hand, takes about 2/3 the effort to swing of a the average game gun, and is very compact.

The MOI machine is to swing what a yardstick is to stock fit, a scale is to weight, and a fulcrum is to balance.

I think you are way "too far from stupid" to not be able to learn these numbers. Too stuborn might be a different issue - we can discuss that if you want ---.

I have imagined the following conversation the first time a yardstick salesman sayshsheyed in to 'Ole Billy Moore's gun shop, "YARDSTICKS? We don't need no stinking yardsticks!!! Stocks are too long, too short, or jezrat! Why would I want to know how long it is??"