Originally Posted By: Rocketman
GSY - unmounted swing effort tells you how much effort is required to make the gun point in a different direction (swing) while held between the hands. Mounted swing effort is th the effort required to make the gun point in a different direction when it is mounted to your shoulder. Half weight radius is a measure of compactness. The average for game guns in my database is 6 1/2# weight, 4 1/2" balance, 1.45 unmounted swing, 6.38 mounted, and 10.17 HWR. The Churchill above is 1# 5 1/2 oz lighter, balances 7/8" closer to the trigger hand, takes about 2/3 the effort to swing of a the average game gun, and is very compact.

I'd say you need a real life, outside your basement laboratory. After all your effort your database is unpublishable because every firearms researcher knows that summary results have to be accurate to the fifth decimal place, weight in ounces must be stated to the nearest 1/64th of an ounce, and linear measurements to the closest 1/128th of an inch. Your scale is obviously not electronic NIH laboratory research grade, and your yardstick must definitely be pre-May 5, 1937.