Originally Posted By: arrieta2
I accept guns from individuals who ship me guns to purchase. If they want to use a dealer at their end, thats ok by me. But I do not require that they use a dealer to ship guns to me to buy.

Many dealers require the sender to go through a ffl dealer. Not because they are dumb or stupid like some have suggested here. They are business people and they can make make their own store policies.

John Boyd
Quality Arms
Houston, TX

Yes sir. The FFL I generally use to receive my guns used to accept incoming transfers from unlicensed individuals. He suddenly stopped, and when I ask why he replied it was costing him more money than it was worth. The issue was all the unregistered machineguns, short barreled rifles, and short barreled shotguns he was getting from said unlicensed individuals and the time it took to deal with reporting and surrendering the guns to BATFE.

Folks who have never run an urban/suburban gun shop just have no idea of the craziness that comes through the doors.