Originally Posted By: James M
"There's Jim again: Islam isn't a religion because it's a radical belief system. Christianity embraces everlasting life without compliant virgins. Both are radical in the accepted sense of the word to me."

For Brown: As usual you are FOS! Christians have done more collectively to ease the pain and suffering of those less fortunate in other parts of the world then any other religion and my own church has numerous trip to aide that they sponsor every year.
Just show us ONE INSTANCE where the followers of Islam, which is a radical cult in every sense of the word, have done the same.
The only thing "radical" about todays Christianity is our not responding to Muslim atrocities in kind.
Again I ask all of you not to cite this Canadian idiot and then I won't have to respond to his warped and inane comments.

Christians do help world wide. For example there is International Fellowship of Christians and Jews to help the Jews.