As many of you may now be aware there will not be a Vintage Cup. With that in mind and a great desire to shoot fine doubles those of us in the Vintagers Carolinas and Georgia Chapters are wanting to remind all of you about the Fall Southern Side x Side.!the-fall-classic/cpcp

This will not be a Vintager event but we have supported this event front the beginning and now see it as very important to the vintage shooting community. In discussions with both Rick Hemmingway and Bill Kempfert we as a group are making a push to grow this event.

Rick has agreed to add some events such as the flurry and maybe a rifle/drillings event.

Backwoods will also offer a tower Pheasant hunt during this weekend and quail hunts can be arranged. This is a wonderful facility and this shoot has the ability to grow with shooter support.

We as the Carolina and Georgia Vintagers encourage any and all to try and attend and support the vintage shooting community. If you have a suggestion I believe you will find Rick Hemmingway and the Backwoods staff open and willing to listen.

If we can increase the number of shooters that will increase the number of vendors and grow the event and the enjoyment for the vintage shooting community. It will not replace the Vintage Cup but it does not have to.
